Lots of us are blogging about Project Sansar®. Well… there isn’t much happening in Second Life™, so…
Loki Eloit has posted his thoughts on what Sansar won’t be. His ideas are different from those of the blogs he is reading. Loki says he hasn’t seen any evidence that technically Project Sansar will be anything like Second Life. I don’t understand what he is saying. We know it is going to be a 3D persistent world capable of supporting avatars, clothes, buildings… seems similar.
But, check out Loki’s thinking in: The fun in predicting what Sansar won’t be. He makes several good points.
He He, do we really know it’s going to be a 3D persistent world capable of supporting avatars, clothes, buildings? Sure it’s planned to be capable of those things, but i think we possibly presume to much that Sansar creators will rebuild Second Life paradigms. Im simply being cautious about what i presume Sansar will be capable of.
‘Know’ is the keyword. So, we don’t.
You could be right. But, the idea of like SL but better… seems to set what Sansar will be like in many ways. To have a chem lab that one can sell to other colleges, it would have to be persistent to support students and semester long classes. So…