Information continues to trikle out of the Land of NoR community. Yesterday:
The Purchase ticket submitted
Tuesday,22 Sep 2015 16:30:34 GMT
The ticket to purchase Remembrance has been submitted and the others who were going to take over a sim have been informed in IM.
Lets hope this goes without much issues and Ill be building Remembrance somewhere next week.
Bizarre Obscure
A day or so before the UnityCore Comabt Meter people posted an announcement:
UnityCore Combat Engine
Still in business
Tuesday,22 Sep 2015 12:34:55 GMT
Just to confirm UCE is still active with many things planned including a couple of new systems one of which we hope to take into SL 2 when it arrives. Waiting for my internet connection as I’m using mobile at the moment then its business as usual.
Unity Core
If you are wondering why the meter maker posted, I think because their shop was in one of the regions that went down.
Combat and other game meters are essential parts of role play games in Second Life™. The Land of NoR has gone through several, XRPS, WARPS, DCS2, and UCE – UnityCore Combat Engine. The current meter used by NoR is UCE.
The meter came to NoR in early 2012. (Reference: UnityCore in NoR) It has been there ever since. The user interface has changed with time. It looks like the last meter update was in July 2015, or so the wiki shows.