Hamlet has an interesting article up today: New Singularity Viewer Lets SL Creators Convert & Export Their Prim-Based Works to Unity 3D & Other Top Platforms. Hamlet explains why this is such an important aspect of Second Life™. Hamlet links to the article explaining how to do the export from SL to Unity 3D.
[youtube lTlnKOYGFrk]
I am obviously not paying enough attention to Singularity. I like the viewer but care little for the user interface, V1 style. But, this export feature makes Singularity a must have for advanced users in SL.
Hamlet is excited about the advantage this offers educational institutions.
Que LL shutting it down in 3…2…1…
My loathing for the v1 ui and especially the pie menu really knows no bounds. That said, I installed singularity yesterday to take a look at this feature. I don’t see this as something that LL would look to shut down so long as it always respects the permissions system in SL-