Exporting Second Life

Hamlet has an interesting article up today: New Singularity Viewer Lets SL Creators Convert & Export Their Prim-Based Works to Unity 3D & Other Top Platforms. Hamlet explains why this is such an important aspect of Second Life™. Hamlet links to the article explaining how to do the export from SL to Unity 3D.

[youtube lTlnKOYGFrk]

I am obviously not paying enough attention to Singularity. I like the viewer but care little for the user interface, V1 style. But, this export feature makes Singularity a must have for advanced users in SL.

Hamlet is excited about the advantage this offers educational institutions.


2 thoughts on “Exporting Second Life

  1. My loathing for the v1 ui and especially the pie menu really knows no bounds. That said, I installed singularity yesterday to take a look at this feature. I don’t see this as something that LL would look to shut down so long as it always respects the permissions system in SL-

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