Ultimate TinyMCE

I just added the WordPress Plugin: Ultimate TinyMCE. I am still experimenting with it. The plugin adds features to the WordPress Editor: TinyMCE. I have missed being able to set font family and size. Now I have those features, plus a whole load of features I’m not using… and a bunch I have no idea about what they do.

Additional Ultimate TinyMCE Buttons
Additional Ultimate TinyMCE Buttons

I do most of my writing in MS Word. The formatting in Word is HTML, but it is way verbose. Also, some features, like text color, cannot be copy pasted into WordPress. Much of the HTML is stripped out when pasting into WP. So, I have to do some editing within WordPress. Now it is much more fun and easy. Adding HTML code is no fun. But, these buttons make it easy.

I like adding formatting to writing to make things stand out and emphasize points. Now it is easy.

Feeling Good

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