BUG-355 – Increased Instant Sim Lag & Avi Crashes During Major Events – sim network issue. While this is marked ‘unassigned’, it is active in the SL Forum. See the thread: Increase in Instant SIM LAG & Crashes During Larger Events – Network Source? This thread started in late September 2012 and has grown to 11 pages or 101 replies.
I’ve added a comment to BUG-355 that remains unassigned. If you own a region or are an estate manager and seeing the problem, file a JIRA and reference BUG-355. It would also help if you could attend the Server-Scripting meeting held in Denby, AGNI (main grid) on Tuesdays at noon (SLT/PST). Also, attend the Beta Server meeting in Morris, ADITI (beta grid) Thursdays at 3 PM (SLT/PST).
Additionally if you are in a region that suddenly experiences these problems, contact the region owner and tell them about BUG-355 and the SL Forum thread. Ask they add to the forum thread and file a JIRA item that references 355.
I’ve seen way more rubber-banding lately. When I check the region stats (Ctrl-Shift-1) I find Time Dilation and Network Time are way out of line. I see these fluctuate wildly even when I am the only one in the region.
This is one of the problems where the JIRA Change is causing communication problems between the users and the Lab. Unfortunately there is no way to know how many of these communication breakdown problems exist.