MetaReality has a new audio out. That seems to happen about every Thursday or Friday. 🙂
00:00 Introductions
01:15 – It’s SL9B! – Discussion on SL9B and how it has come together. People’s participation and their experience of SL9B are covered. Some of the people contributing to its success are mentioned.
04:15 – Cookie Bear and cats. 6:50 – Soft bear 08:15 Qarl Bear
07:00 – Loki’s kids eye view of Linden Lab.
08:30 – Reflecting on past birthdays
09:30 – Is Second Life a “disruptive innovation” as Mitch Kapor declared at SL5B? Good discussion on SL innovative-ness. Disruptive technology aspect lost.
11:20 – A community of wackadoodles? This is more about the fun spirit of residents than wackadooleness. 12:30 – Emotional bandwidth. 14:00 – Why are we all still here? 15:50 – Cloud Party. Good description of it.
An interesting point is that while many of the SL peeps are there, they go somewhere else to talk about Cloud Party.
19:30 – Karl talks about the Lab seeming to see Facebook as competitive technology for Second Life.
Is Cloud Party the next big thing? Seems the consensus from MetaReality is: no.
21:15 – Botgirl’s Thoughts: Why Linden Lab Should Buy Cloud Party – Gianna talks about her experience in Cloud Party.
24:00 – Cloud Party doesn’t have the start up hump of all the download and install. Similar but different the CP development peeps seem to have learned from the mistakes made in SL.
29:00 – Economy – No plans to make it so one can take money out of Cloud Party. ToS is limiting. Prohibits using for as profit business. Not clear on IP rights.
31:00 – Name issues and what people are doing with names via Facebook for Cloud Party.
33:00 – 25 avatar limit and mobile plans discussed. Land Revenue model and speculation on where that may go.
36:52 – Will Burn’s Thoughts on Cloud Party – Not impressed. Will believes one will still need a downloadable client to have a good experience. Karl thinks with time it may be possible. He doubts Cloud Party is going to be able to handle the complexity of regions in SL9B. I doubt he has seen the Lilli tutorials made in a complex Cloud Party island.
I agree with Karl that cutting edge 3D technology is not going to appear in browsers. It will first appear in custom applications. Farmville is 2D and old technology for game play adapted to what browsers can do. It was way far behind the 3D tech available at the time it came out. But it was advanced tech for browsers.
43:00 – Bob Komin Leaving Linden Lab (CFO)
43:45 – Update on Gez Linden – He spoke to Gianna saying that he is still excited by Second Life and the community. He left because he got a ‘too good to pass up’ offer.
45:30 – Back to Komin. Karl’s thoughts on him.
48:30 – Virtual Vision 2020 – “Taken from the VV2020 site: “Virtual Vision 2020 is an attempt to capture the community’s thoughts, ideas, opinions, and goals for Second Life. Modeled off the community planning process that takes place in communities all across the world, this virtual plan can help the Second Life community define itself, set goals for its future, and offer a roadmap for success. If you are a member of that community, we need your input to help make the plan a reality and a success!”
Gianna points out that one of the people behind the site and idea has worked in government for years. Unfortunately most people in government think it is government that accomplishes things and improves life.
The American idea is that free people can do things for themselves and recognizes that one size does not fit all. So, I see VV2020 as setting the stage for lots of coming drama. In my opinion it is another misguided effort to heard cats and restrict freedom by pushing people into an approved plan. Hopefully I’m wrong.