I was curious what is going on with SL9B and what the LEA deal was about. I saw that there was something about it in MetaReality’s lates podcast, May 18 – link.
Remember. At best I only paraphrase. While the podcast is intersting, there isn’t much I wanted to expand on or things I was that into… so I didn’t write much. But, the time marks should get you to anything you want to hear.
00:20 Start with SL9B
I’ve been busy with RL clients and not keeping up with SL. So, the cast was interesting. Daniel Voyger has a good article in what will be happening: SL9B resident centralized birthday formal announcement.
03:15 LEA Deal with the Lab – Seems the Lab is withdrawing the 9 or so regions they were to provide… or something. I’m still confused as to whether the Lab was or wan’t providing regions. However, private parties have provided 20 (and counting) regions. So, there will be a centralized party.
This LEA/regions thing is some complication with the terms of LEA (Linden Endowment for the Arts) . The Lab decided it was a problem of some kind to use LEA funds for SL9B… or something like that.
Honour talks about SL9b in: Rusted Development & (yay!) SL9B in Second Life
See: Second Life’s Ninth Birthday Celebration is Coming!
Exhibitors, performers, authors, and volunteers see http://sl9b.wordpress.com/ to sign up.
17:00 SL Home & Garden Expo – Home and building designers like to show off in this event. Performers are needed. See: 5th Annual Second Life Home & Garden Expo.
20:15 – Rely for Life Telethon
22:00 – Mobile Solutions for SL, Lumiya for Android discussed.
24:50 – Bridge Solution mentioned, another mobile choice – See: A Simple Bridge Solution for a Mobile Second Life and OpenSim Client – there is a video.
26:30 – Linden Links with Community
29:10 – Secret Next Lab Project for the Angry Birds audience…
32:40 – Happy Hunting
35:33 – Shared Experience – Obviously people still have odd ideas of what shared experience is. Because the mobile devices do not produce the same render as desktops or even render the ‘actual’ avatar, that must break the shared experience. No… If your viewer changes what I see using my viewer that is changing the shared experience. Your viewer changing only what you see is your choice and has nothing to do with the shared experience, just your experience. Remember. A person on an old computer on low settings does not see what I see with q 560 using Ultra settings.
37:20 – Region Idling – Qarl gives a good explanation. He thinks this should lower the cost of regions. We have already been told by the Lindens that isn’t going to happen. Lots of discussion on costs and odd stuff.
42:00 – Discussing mesh build scaling
44:30 – Region Idling and pets – good discussion. Qarl touches on how pets should be programmed.
47:15 – Bunny problems with script size
49:30 – Size of SL – 192 Terabytes – Interesting info
52:00 – Paralyzed people using minds to run robots – Qarl’s Brains in Vats.
54:40 – Facebook IPO – Interesting SL Tie
58:15 – Senators and Ex-Pat Tax Act
59:15 – GM Announcing FB Advertising and FB IPO timing – While many people think FB will increase in value, I can’t see it. I think GM is an indicator of what other advertisers will do. Does anyone really look to FB to find things? To buy stuff? I don’t think so.
1:04:45 – Raglan Shire Art Show – Funny discussion
1:06:00 – In-Worldz Black & White Art
1:09:45 – FATEeyes – Gianna is raving about them. I gotta check em out. They are showing up all over. Strawberry Singh did some portraits that Damien Fate put on his blog, he makes the eyes. See: FATEeyes Portraits by Strawberry Singh. Damien has made eyes for petites too.
1:12:00 – End… and more promos… then end. Oh, just one more thing… lol
They should have started their LEA thingy before the Shakespeare theatre closed. >.-(