We have a varied collection of news out of the Scripting User Group today.
First we have word that the current release channel code will NOT roll to the main grid this week. So, there will be no update to the main grid this week. There are some problems and they will be adding fixes to the code in the release channels. Other problems have been fixed too.
We have only one code package running in all three release channels. While the single package has gotten good testing, the problems have held any update to the main grid. Later in the week we’ll know what new packages may roll to the release channels for testing.
One of the problems being fixed is SVC-7650 – Color change not applied correctly on cylinder when number of faces is change by altering prim properties. Kelly says they are still working on a fix so the release channel package will be held over.
The package being held back has the list processing functions improvements. So, many people are looking forward to the package reaching the main grid.
- SVC-7348 – moving_end() event executes on moving, script-rezzed physical objects.
- SCR-121 – Entire sim (65,536sq.m.) owned by group, llGetParcelMaxPrims(llGetPos(), TRUE) Returning odd number.
- SVC-7386 – Transaction failure due to Linden’s internal error.
These three bugs have been fixed in the release.
The main grid does have the function llSetRegionPos(). It seems to be working well, so that is a plus.
Linden Realm Tools
Charlar gave us some news on the coming Linden Realm Tools. Seems they are moving forward. Since Charlar seems to be involved and says he will be asking for feedback, I’ll assume the basic plan is in place and moving toward production. I am also guessing our feedback will shift implementation, not the basic plan. But, that is speculation on my part.
Charlar Linden told us:
We’ve started the process of taking the prototype features we built as part of the Linden Realms experiment and building them as real features that creators can use.
They include Experience Permissions, Teleport Agent, and Temp Attach.
We’ll come in next week with more details, and start getting your feedback.
Vincent Nacon: but the question is… how does “creator” program deal with that?
Ah, the ‘creator program’. That has undergone many iterations. The purpose of that is to improve our ability to work with you all [I’m assuming he means responsible residents], and others like you. Get you access to things that might be dangerous or risky, etc.
A question came up as to what limits would be set on things we sell that use the new Linden Realm Tools. I think the idea is some would like to sell teleports that teleport on collision or touch. It is conceivable that some things could be used for griefing. So, one avatar ok’d for use of LR Tools could transfer or sell them to another that would use them for griefing.
Charlar says the limit on what LR Tools OK’d peeps do with the Tools is about griefing. If one makes griefing tools it is possible the maker will get banned and the objects created by them will be removed. As you may imagine that ambiguous limit causes some concern to some people.
Experience permissions is an interesting idea. I suppose that would be like leveling up in the role play games we have in SL now. The idea is a script will be able to detect one’s experience level. That will allow programmers to create some nifty toys.
Charlar says the Lab will be publishing more information about the LR Tools as they reach a point where they want more feedback. For now Charlar is planning on using the Scripting Forum for discussion and feedback.
It looks like some additional word on Linden Realm Tools will come out in the next couple of weeks, which is exciting scripting news for many of us.