Linden Lab (LL) has fixed Second Life Search… well somewhat. Getting listed in search took time and some regions would never make it into the listings and others already in would fall out. Also, search has changed how it works or may be more accurately said, how it ranks the results. Those changes are important to merchants and shop owners.
The listing problems have reportedly been fixed. Instead of taking 72 to 96 hours for the search engine to index new regions (slow crawl speed) and changes in regions it is down to 12 hours and LL hopes to have it down to 6. The faster crawl speed should make it easier to check your changes.
Another change is keyword stuffing. The system has been changed to see ‘stuffing’ and reduce the search position. That should reduce search spam. See Linden Lab Official:Search Guidelines for information on how to best work your search placement.
Vryl Valkyrie posted about presenting information on getting one’s business and products listed in SL search. It appears these will be interactive, which I assume means questions and answers. See the SL forum thread: So you want to be in Search?
Event times:
July 22 – August 30, 2010
Monday – Saturday (no discussions on Sunday and also August 11th.)
5:00 am SLT
8:00 am SLT
12:00 noon SLT
Also people are having a problem with search from the SL 2 viewer not finding some people. It seems unchecking ‘Friend can see you…’ has unintended consequences. It affects your friend’s Friends List and apparently removes one from SL Search too. See WEB-1425 It seems to be viewer specific. So, if you can’t find someone you know is in SL, try a Third Party Viewer.