
I don’t blog as much as I used to. So, I don’t keep the back side of this site updated as well as I should. Go Daddy hosting has an incentive to get customers to update. They charge more to let one run older versions.

So this is a quick update to avoid additional charges. I am not particularly happy with the look and most of my plugins no longer work. But the articles are readable. I can post new stuff… if I get round to it.

The problem is in the PHP version I was running. Also, I have some custom pages I built that need some code updates. Seems the new PHP (the software language that the site operates on) has some language differences to improve security. It has been long enough since I wrote my custom pages the less secure commands have progressed from ‘depreciated’ to ‘deleted’. Ouch!

I’ll be working on the site. Getting new versions of my plugins working and eliminating whichever one was crashing my site.

This will take some time.

You can find me in SL and on the SL Forum. I often post in Your Avatar. I think it would be fun to meet you there.

Christmas Shopping 2024

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