SL Go on iPad
Drax has a video on using an iPad and the SL Go service. About 5 minutes.
Book Review
Not really my thing… book reviews…. but, this looks like an interesting book for those thinking about what we and others are doing in our lives along with how that effects the next generation. This one is a re-make of the original story first published as: Anda’s Game. It is the story of a young girl learning how to play computer games via a MMORPG. It deals with complex economic and labor issues as well as a romantic interest.
Jen Wang has updated the work and published it in its new form: In Real Life. What I’m calling a review is more of an interview with the original author. The article: Cory Doctorow & Jen Wang Dissect Gender, Economics & Gaming In Real Life.
Second Life Halloween
The Lab has posted a new promo for Second Life™. I think it is intended as a promo…
Win L$10,000
See the photo contest: Fa-BOO-lous Snapshot Contest. You’ll f ind it in the SL Forum/Blog under Official Contests. Notice the ‘tabs’ at the top of the post. Click ‘Entries’ to see the images submitted so far and to vote. Add KUDOS to vote… which seems to be broken… I have yet to find an image with even 1 KUDO as I write this. But, maybe we can’t vote until the contest closes.
Enter for a chance to win L$10,000, L$5,000, L$3,000, or L$1,000 by sharing your best Second Life Halloween or Dia de Los Muertos snapshots. Submit your pic and the entries with the most kudos will win. Please read the contest rules before submitting your entry.
Contest Rules are here. Contest begins at 10:00am PDT October 15, 2014 (the “Start Date”) and ends on 5:00pm PST November 22, 2014 (the “Deadline”).
It doesn’t seem there are many entries… yet…
MIT Technology Review
The Review has an undated article that just popped in Google Alerts. It appears to be recent. The title: The Quest to Put More Reality in Virtual Reality. The article is pretty much and interview with Philip Rosedale and where he is going with HiFi.
There is a video showing animating avatar fingers using the Sightline style LEAP and Oculus. Nice!
There is an image of a place in HIFi that shows things are starting to look more like Second Life, but, with funky avatars. Remember. This is a work-in-progress (WIP) and the avatar’s appearance is not yet the goal, functionality is.
It is interesting, but not any real new information.
Losing your password or purchase ID for AvaStar has been a pain. One had to go into SL and Gaia’s store and…
Now the password recovery part of the Machinimatrix web site is working. When the site’s software was changed that part had broken. Now it is fixed.