Jessica has posted on the Firestorm blog that there will be a Q&A meeting this coming Wednesday at 7:00 AM PDT (SLT). Oz Linden and Peter Gray will be there to answer questions about Second Life, not the future world we’ve talked about for the last week.
Generally the team has not been announcing meetings until just before a meeting starts. I suppose that keeps the crowd to a manageable size. Seating is always first come first served. The SL11B region held 96 (the most I saw) avatars when Jessica held an event to talk about the new world and the region worked very well. Yes, things get laggy and moving around is difficult. But, if one sits down and cams in, all is well.
The meeting is going to be at the Firestorm Auditorium. As with any popular event, be sure you minimize your script weight and prim count.
The Auditorium is on an island, so there is no walking in…
The meeting will be recorded and posted to YouTube. So, if you cannot be there, you won’t miss out. If you want to ask a question, post it on the comments of the Firestorm Blog post. Please don’t ask if the Lab will reduce tier. Enough people have already asked long winded versions of that question. Plus, I think asking Oz and Peter this question isn’t going to draw an answer as such a decision is above their pay grade. If such a plan is under consideration, they are not going to say, either way. They have to wait for upper management to announce those types of changes. Spend the time more wisely.
Just to point out an update. We have secured a live stream with unlimited slots. It will be live streamed at the following URL and chat will be monitored for questions as well.
Thanks for posting the link.