The Drax Files – World Builders: Episode 4

If you have not read my article Oculus Rift in Second Life, check it out, these tie together. Drax has a new episode of his World Builders series out: Fantasy Faire/RFL. (5 minutes).

[youtube yjzG9g8PNFs]

Zander Green is talking in most of this video. This is about Fantasy Fair and Relay for Life fund raising. Zander sees SL as a fund rasier’s dream come true. I am waiting for someone to figure out how to combine SL and a some form of a Kickstarter system.

I think the first three have been inspirational. This one knocks it up a notch. If you think so, visit YouTube and LIKE the video. If you are on Facebook, SHARE the video. Give him a hand.

In my Oculus article I only linked to an article on Arch Virtual: 10 Reasons Second Life is a Killer App for Oculus Rift, and why OpenSim will get there first. But, check out the article. I suppose you know that architects use AutoCAD and its import/export for Second Life for commercial purposes. Want to walk around in your future house before it is built? The architects can do that and SL and OpenSim virtual builds of a future home or building.

For architects the Oculus Rift is a big step forward in immersive presentation. Jon Brouchoud, a freelance virtual architect and 3D concept artist for games and virtual worlds, writes about why Second Life is the killer app for Oculus and gives 10 reasons. Drax Files is the ninth reason. I think that is big deal.

Jon describes SL in more objective terms than we are hearing from people like Gianna Borgnine, Karl Stiefvater, and William Reed Seal-Foss. They have become frustrated with SL, not without good reason. But, certainly no longer objective. So, this is a nice take on SL and more inline with Drax’s perception of SL. Jon is between the two sides. But, a bit closer to Drax’s viewpoint.

One of the things Zander says in closing is to say he does not understand why the media has never picked up on the human interest aspect of Second Life. I can give you lots of reasons, but those are my opinions. I’ll suffice to say, journalists are low information people, they don’t know much. For instance Bill O’reilly is weak in math, economics, and science, as are most journalists (and they often say as much), while long on opinion. Second Life is too hi-tech for most journalists.

I suggest you find the news-tips-email-address for your favorite news media and if possible the one covering human interest stories and email them the links to Drax Files. Write a nice bit about what Drax is doing and the people he is covering. You need to catch their interest. You might just help Zander get the word out. That could help Relay for Life too.

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