Dolphin Viewer 1.5.40 Released Review

Dolphin Viewer 1.5.40 Released

Dolphin Viewer has a new release out. This viewer is becoming popular. It has even come up a couple of times in the LL and TPV circles. The release notes published on the Dolphin Viewer blog are informative and easily read. See: Dolphin Viewer

Separate Settings

Phoenix began using a separate cache by default and separating out more of their files. I think Dolphin Viewer is the first to use separate settings files. As Lance says, this will stop cross talk between the settings Dolphin is using and changes made in an SLV. 

Display Names

Support for Display Names has been extended in Dolphin. Most TPV’s have minimum support for Display Names. Getting support into chat, object properties, group chat, radar (which is handled now), friends lists, and so on is work. Dolphin is on its way to full support.

Name Highlights

Many viewers highlight friends’ names in chat. Display Names messes that up. Dolphin now has a feature to allow one to include a nickname list for highlighting. This is an aspect of Display Names that hadn’t occurred to me. Nice feature.

Refresh Friends

I’ve heard people complaining about their Friends List being incomplete. This feature forces a refresh when the list is opened. This is apparently necessary because of how Linden Lab has changed things to get better performance. Some of information that used to come from region servers, SIM’s, is now handled between the client and SL’s data servers. So, this Dolphin change should remove one of the unintended consequences of LL’s change.

Advanced Tab

In Preferences the Advanced tab has changed to allow controls for the above features.


I’m looking forward to downloading the viewer late this afternoon and trying it out. I have to be away this morning. So, more later.

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