Second Life News 2019 w30

General News

Linden Endowment for the Arts – Ending – The LEA is a group of residents promoting art in Second Life™. The Lab helps with financing. Inara has more details about the organization, its founding by a former Linden CEO, its problems and triumphs. See LINDEN ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS TO OFFICIALLY CLOSE.

From behind 3

From behind 3


Think about how life works and the nature of humans. RL museums struggle and most are funded by the wealthy or taxes. So, not so many museums in socialist and dictatorial countries. All while the Knot’s Berry Farms, Six Flags, and Disneyland’s thrive. So… doesn’t it come down to what people are generally willing to pay for?

The LEA builds… exhibits… I have visited over the years have been interesting, gorgeous, imaginative, and a few tediously boring. I am glad someone took the time to create them. But I can’t think of one that I would have paid to see. The things in SL that entertain people and keep them coming back engage people giving them something to do and people to interact with. Like photo albums, things we look at get put on a shelf. Greatly loved and appreciated but seldom used.

Sansar Draws in Over A Thousand VR Viewers with Live Music Event – Forbes ran this headline. Quoting from the article…

“Tens of thousands of people watched the concert across Twitch, Mixer, and Huya, and over a thousand people around the world attended the event in Sansar – across 6 continents, 65 countries, and 675 cities.  Fans feel more connected and immersed in the music they love, while artists, in turn, effectively reach more people and places in a single day than they’d reach on a real-life tour.”

Getting a thousand people into a VR event is something. Second Life still struggles to host 200 at an event.

The VR world is growing, slowly. Obviously, nowhere near as fast as was hyped. Industry and the medical fields are adopting VR much faster than the gaming world. So, we may see Sansar showing up in more practical applications in the business world than in gaming.

Fun Stuff – I’ve been seeing Specter Orb Censer made by egosumaii around. I think they are just neat and wanted one. What a chore to run it down. It is another of those things you see only at an event somewhere. (here – Map URL) Turns out it is the Crystal Heart Academy event that has it The stuff there is so sweet you’ll get a sugar high and some of the stuff is so hot the sugar will caramelize. I suspect it is a place JuicyBomb would like.


There is a DEPLOYS post this week. It says no updates this week or next. Plus last Wednesday’s roll was crashing and was rolled back about 5 hours after the rollout.

All main grid regions are running version # This version removes the code that was shut down about 6 weeks ago. They refer to the March notice stating the UDP assets API’s would be turned off.

Login on the Aditi grid has been hit or miss for a couple of weeks. The Lindens think they have it fixed. If you still have a problem, add to BUG-227357 or reference it in your Bug Report.

10 years (or less ) Challenge – The forum has a fun thread started by Destiny91. Include a picture of you 10-years ago and another of how you look today.


The main version is, released week #27. (Wednesday, June 5, 2019)

Other Viewers

Black Dragon 64x – Update 3.5.2 “Searching Dragon” – Released week #29.

The poser has been updated.

Flycam controls have been revised.

NiranV explains his attempt at adding more multi-threading. It is more complex than most think. He did get some threads related to Preferences working.

Light fall-off is now different. I would say more realistic.

And there is an interesting section on Animesh and some of the problems that come into all viewers with Linden 6.0.2. It is techy.

Lumyia now only works as a text-only viewer. Inara has all the gory details and an explanation of why a fix any time soon is not going to happen.

When the SL UDP Asset Fetching API went dead Lumyia stopped rendering the world.

The only fix I know is to resort to Remote Desktop. Google provides a free app for that. I’ve written about it before. I do occasionally use it. Less than ideal. But workable.

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