Gaia has an article out explaining the basic differences between AvaStar 1.0 and the coming 1.1 version. We can get test and RC versions of AvaStar from our personal download pages at Machinimatrix. So, knowing the differences is helpful. See: Which Avastar to use ?
The article tells us there is a bug in the shape sliders in the test versions. But, all the other stuff needed to build Fitted Mesh is in the test versions. The ETA on having a fix out is 2 weeks. So, we should see it in week 12 or 3/17-12.
The current test version as of today is: avastar-1-1-998_blender-2-65.
The Blender 2.70 test build is still a 2/20/14 version: blender-2.70-testbuild1-win64. I have links in the left column too.
The nightly build for 3/5/14 is: blender-2.69-4acff9d-win64.
The avatar models provided via the SL Wiki are broken. The current best model for non-AvaStar users is the free file from Machinimatrix: The Avatar Workbench.
Avastar-998 contains a fix for the mentioned glitch. So all seems well again. My first tests are very promising. Now fitted Mesh starts to look much better than it appeared before.
However i am currently looking after some precision issues which for some reason make the Avatar eyes move slightly different than the custom meshes.
Once the apparent deviations are fixed, i will make the video 🙂
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