Drax Files Episode 8: MadPea Games

Today a new episode of the World maker files is out. There is a post on the SL blog (The Drax Files Episode 8: MadPea Games) and it is all over Facebook.

[youtube 6WVDWILHOpw]

As always this is a well done video and quite fun to watch.

Kiana Writer is obviously a creative mind and fun to listen to also. Drax is himself and Kiana is her avatar.

I found the most interesting concept in the interview the comments about building an action game in SL. For a small player groups I suppose this is possible. We’ll see how MadPea does.

In several places we have heard how technology currently limits the number of players in a region, in most any game. There are huge amounts of data that have to be synchronized in real time to make a shared experience.

Intel has done work to show how that problem can be solved. Philip Rosedale is looking at how distributed computing, like the Seti Project, might be used to allow tens of thousands of avatars to be in a region. I suspect technology will eventually get there.

Socially MadPea is an interesting group. As pointed out on the SL Blog, they are an international team. It is this group that is building the action game UNIA.

[youtube x3T9OJU3V0]

That little intro doesn’t tell us much. We learned more in Drax’s video. But, this 9+ minute video below of a previous MadPea build reveals the team’s talent. Other than the intro, there is no sound.

[youtube RXRldmYW-Aw]

This is part 1 of a series. So, in 9+ minutes we only see a small portion of the build.

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