I see from the weekly updates that Cloud Party has gotten mirrors. I am not sure why they did that, but it is pretty neat.

Cloud Party Mirror – Image from Cloud Party Bugle.
There is a setting to control the number of frames that get rendered in the mirror… dynamic planar reflection… the setting is in the materials section of object properties.
Some of the bug fixes make this sound interesting:
- Fixed not being able to see yourself in dynamic reflections while in first person mode.
- Fixed soft particles not working correctly against the sky in dynamic reflections.
- Improved selection of which dynamic reflection to render based on the current camera position.
- Improved reflection skewing (based on normals) to make funhouse-style mirrors look good.
- Added setting to turn water refraction effects on or off.
Fun house mirrors… oh what fun!
Hey, they could be depending on outside devs to implement decade old concepts such as normal and specular maps…
I find real-time reflections a pretty awesome feature. Funhouse mirrors aside, its one more tool for physical accuracy and creativity in building.
Awesome is a good word 🙂
You could also say, another useless thing added to CP while it lacks in all important departments… I was just not impressed with it, on anything – even for a beta…
Yeah, CP is a bit underwhelming. But, they are progressing.