Second Life Images/Pictures

The Lab has a very interesting image on display in  Home > Blogs > Inworld > Second Life Pic of the Day 02.06.2020. I found it interesting because of the avatar poses.

From Second Life’s Blog

Getting poses is sometimes hard. In some cases, one has to make their own. I suspect Madd Flair did some manual posing to get this shot. Or it could be built into the coaster, I have not checked. However, it looks very posed, unusual for built-in poses.

I doubt the image is taken from the Black Dragon viewer. Would be nice if they said. However, Black Dragon gives a ‘prettier’ render by default, thus my doubt.

From the How’s your avatar look today? thread Scylla Rhiadra spun off the thread Making Avatars Look Good in Black Dragon! Share Your Hints and Advice! (Link) This thread explains how people get those perfectly posed shots you have been wondering about.

NiranV the author of Black Dragon has been posting in the thread, so there is some good information and ‘how-to’.

2 thoughts on “Second Life Images/Pictures

  1. The picture has not been shot with Black Dragon. I can tell.

    How? The colors are greyish. The glow is too focused. Shadow softening looks different. Also there are tiling artifacts in the picture which can be seen here:
    Black Dragon does not have tiling artifacts in higher-than-screen resolution shots. This has either been shot in Firestorm (most likely) or the Second Life Viewer.

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