Second Life Viewers 2015 Week 11-12

RC & Project Viewers

RC Maintenance Viewer version – This is the version with lots of bug fixes – It has problems. So, it’s a weak candidate for promotion next week (12).

RC Hover Viewer version – This version is considered very new and therefore needs more testing. However, word is it is working very well. So, we may have our avatar hover issues resolved soon.


@coldwater by Sannita Cortes, on Flickr

RC ToolsUpdate Viewer version – This one might be promoted. It is Oz Linden’s choice and it is looking good for being the one as of Friday.

If it promotes, it means all future viewers will use the new tools, VS2013, for compiling. 

This also means Windows XP users are not going to have a usable Linden viewer. Expect that to spread quickly to some of the third party viewers, like Firestorm. Cool VL Viewer and Singularity will likely work around the problem.

Fortunately there is only a small number of people still using XP.

Vista SP1 is not going to run the Linden viewers either. Now that Microsoft is giving free Operating Systems upgrades, starting with Windows 10, expect them to stop supporting older operating systems sooner. The upgrade pace is increasing.

I encourage you to get to at least Windows 7 as soon as possible. Windows 7 users will get the free Windows 10. It looks like Vista users won’t, but that is somewhat uncertain, last I checked. For now the Best Buy price for Win7 Pro is about US$100.

RC Experience Viewer version – This viewer is still waiting on back end changes. Oz Linden says they are making progress on those changes. Several of us have wondered if the recent changes for Premium Members in last week’s RC server are related. But, no one that knows is saying.

Which viewer is going to be promoted will be decide Monday 3/16. Depending on how things are going, we may not see a viewer get promoted. But, chances are it will the Tools viewer. The one I have mixed feelings about along with mixed success using.

Project Managed Marketplace Viewer version –  This one, pending results, on the Tools Viewer and the Market Place changes and scheduling of the change over affect when we will see this roll to an RC status.

The viewer will likely get an update in week 12.

Project Importer Viewer version – This one is being worked on. Its not likely to make RC for a time. Its next update will still leave it in the Protect Viewer group. This viewer gives imported mesh the ability to use more than 8 materials.

Project Oculus Rift Viewer version – Noting to say here. This is waiting for someone to get a GOOD head set out.

Main Viewer

We are currently on version 3.7.25-299021. I’m using an RC version, so I got nothing to say.

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