Second Life Bits and News 2014-22

The Memorial Day holiday is over in the United States. I’m back and staff is back to work at the Lab.

Content UG 2014-21

Content UG 2014-21


This week there are no server rollouts.

I’ve seen a couple of comments about unusually intense griefing. But, I haven’t seen it happening in my travels, but SL is a big place. I know there are some places that get lots of attention from griefers. Other regions like mine seem to seldom see a griefer.

I do get noobies coming from a landing hub that get trapped in my house and can’t figure out how to get out. It is sort of like having flies in the house… they fly around bumping into the walls.


This morning the main viewer is 3.7.8-289922. This viewer rolled out last week. So, we probably won’t see another roll this week. Or if we do, I am guessing it would be toward the end of the week.

RC Viewers

Not much has changed so far this week. Of course as I write this, the Lindens are just coming to work.

MemPlugs Viewer version – This version has fixes for memory leaks.

SL Share Viewer version – This is the improved sharing viewer that has the Facebook, Flickr, and Twitter sharing abilities.

Sunshine Viewer version – This the viewer that uses the new inventory calls to reduce bake fail and improve inventory loading.

Zipper Viewer version – This is the fast download and install version of the viewer.

Project Viewers

Oculus Rift Viewer version – The name says it.

Third Party Viewers

This past week various new releases came out. Nothing I found exciting or interesting. The third party viewer directory lists the most stable viewers as; Firestorm, Singularity, CtrlAltStudio, Restrained Love, and Radegast.

More viewers for mobile devices have shown up in the list.

I’m surprised that SL Go is not listed in the directory.

Dolphin Viewer has an article up on the blog updating users on that viewer’s progress. Dolphin Viewer.

Lance is asking the question I’ve wondered about, ‘Do you need the media filter?’ The filter is that thing that pops up and asks of you want to allow the viewer to connect to a streaming service for music or video. It is a way to black list sites you do not truct and check sites before allowing a connection.

The problem is the service asks permission to connect each time the viewer encounters a new stream. This is something I found extremely annoying.

There is a poll running on the blog. Today 40 people had taken the poll when I saw it. 53% want the feature and 33% don’t. So, it may be more popular than I think. Jump over and add your vote. You’ll find the poll on the right-hand side.

Starting Avatar

For those just starting to work with mesh clothes the pure Blender path continues to prove a problem. The single biggest problem reducing step is updating Blender to the latest stable version. Another simple step is using’s free avatar model:  fitted_mesh_270.blend.

The step for step for pure Blender users is here: Second Life fitted_mesh.Blend for pure Blender (2.70 and newer).

Flickr Bot (Android)

The Jennnnna Jameson blog (NSFW) has a short article about a free app for Android that makes use of Flickr much easier. This is a third party app. Jennnnna doesn’t say much about it, other than to say it makes it much easier and more enjoyable to use Flickr. But, that is probably enough. App Store: Flickr Bot.

I have only gotten to play with it a bit. It does seem nice. Search is limited. I often want to limit searches to Creative Common licensed images. I don’t see a way to do that. But, the upload controls seem to be good.

If you are a big Flickr user you probably want to check it out. Of course the Google store has various reviews. In general those I looked at like it better than Flickr’s official app.

Photography & Flickr

I am a fan of great SL Photography. I came across Kirsty Oherlihy and started following her image postings. Her Market Place store is full of poses. See: Rack Poses. There are 9 nice L$1 poses.

Party Planner

I don’t write much about the adult scene in Second Life these days. Everyone is doing the thing and that has been going on for thousands of years. So, it is not what I consider news… For those interested in finding adult parties, Jennnnna’s blog now has a section devoted keeping you updated on upcoming parties.

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