#SL Exodus Viewer News and Changes

The Exodus viewer has some quick fixes added and version Beta 7 (12-01-03b) has been released. The version numbering in the blog and in the viewer is a little different. One uses 12-01-03b and the other… and they are Beta 5, 6, and 7… which is a little confusing.

The alpha textures render problem is fixed. My HUD’s are now usable and the tree outside my house looks right through the window.

The Animation Overrider (AO) has a bug and may crash the viewer when the note card loads. That may be from the LL bug that has a fix now in testing in the release channels. All three release channels are running the same server maintenance pack and one of the fixes is about a problem with note cards.

The chat bar cannot be docked with the bottom tool bar when other buttons are there. Milkshake seems to have the same problem… as I recall this is common in all viewers.

The viewer highlights new controls. The menu items are marked with yellow text while previously existing items are white. For me that makes reviewing the viewer much easier.

Other bug fixes and Preference panel clean ups are included in this release.

The shadow controls have been improved and a new panel added for adjusting them added. You can find it in Preferences -> Graphics -> Visuals (yellow) -> Lighting (tab) -> Shadows (accordion bar).

The Exodus Preferences panels are way nice… loads of options and coloring options that I haaven’t seen in other viewers. For instance you can change the color scheme in the script editor.

Most importantly in this version, my lava lamp works now.

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