SL Search Update

You may know that Linden Lab is testing a new search. They have a project viewer and everything now. I’ve tried the new search and I think it is better than what we currently have in SLV2. But, not as good as what there is in SLV1.

I’ve been waiting for Darrius Gothly to post something about this new search on DGP4SL. He is my favorite source for information about search in SL. I’m unsure how objective he may or may not be on the subject. I am guessing he is as feed up and annoyed with SL Search as I am. But, he seems to do lots of testing and experimenting and know what is happening. So, check out:

Yet Another Stab At Second Life In-World Search



3 thoughts on “SL Search Update

  1. That first Darrius Gothly’s article wasn’t useful at all to me.
    I think the author was upset when he wrote it – “fed up and annoyed with SL Search”, as you said. That didn’t any good.

    I now see he has written two more posts on the same topic.
    At a first glance, these new articles are a constructive critique (“How It Should Work: In-World Search”), which is surely better than the first rant.
    I’m going to read them soon and here are the links:

    • I agree with your take on the articles. I think the first article is important in that it brings up the issue of LL’s goals for search. Google has demonstrated they understand what people want from search, to be able to find what they are looking for. LL seems to have cluttered up their goals with too many ideals and diluted the process.

      For years Google was changing the process to deal with gaming (spamming) their search engine. It would be nice if LL learned from Google’s process.

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